
It is a renovation of the 10 year-old-house near Tama River in Tokyo. In terms of the house renovation, a technique completely made for another – by reforming a floor, a wall, and a ceiling – had become common, but we believe that there must be another method. The technique grafting is a method of vegetative propagation of plants to promote the growth by patching in other plant’s bodies. It’s called ‘tsugiki’ in Japanese. In this case, we tried to renovate an appearance and a value of the house by “tsugiki”. Specifically, We ‘tsugiki’ the planter terrace and eaves those two have the strong individualities for this house which also has another strong individuality like a Provence Style. And We planted the succulent plant and spread the painted green stone to make the terrace a lawn look. This terrace is always opened for family and people who stop by. As a result, the house changed totally different from kitsch style in the past, and the scenery from the living room also had dramatically changed by the plants.


Date : 2012.11
Type : House
Location : Setagaya,Tokyo
Floor area : 95.80㎡
Consultant : Qusamura, RYOTARO SAKATA Structure Engineers
Contractor : Kumai Shouten
Photo : mtka
Press : 新建築住宅特集 2013年5月号

北九州市の緑地公園内に建つ公衆トイレの計画。広大な敷地の中に樹木が林立するように佇み、見る角度によって様々な表情を見せるトイレを提案した。 二等辺三角形の平面外形の中に大小さまざまな7つの二等辺三角形のボリュームを収めている。駐車場のある東側はコンクリート打放とし、西側はその型枠をそのまま反転して仕上げとして利用、南側はツタ植物が這う緑の壁としている。それぞれの面は、駐車場のアスファルト、木チップの歩道、立ち並ぶ樹木という近くの風景に呼応する仕上げとなっており、まるでカメレオンのように振る舞っている。 環境モデル都市北九州市にふさわしいトイレとして、コンクリート型枠の再利用、間伐材の利用、円筒形を利用した温度差換気による換気設備の不設置などを提案し、ゼロエミッション化を目指している。

This is a project of a public lavatory which will be built in the green tract of land park in Kitakyushu-shi. We propose the toilet stands like trees nestles together in a vast site. It has various faces from the different angles. We apply seven various sizes of isosceles triangles inside a big isosceles triangle frame. The finishing materials on the west side wall, which faces a parking lot, is concrete finish. On the east side wall, which faces the sidewalk of a wood chip, we reuse the wood concrete formworks used on the west. On the south side wall, which faces trees, the ivy plant crawls. Then Each materials responds to the nearby scenery. They appear just like a Chameleon. With the technical aspect, we propose reuse of concrete formworks, use of thinner timber and non-setting of the ventilation equipment by using chimney effect, aiming at Zero Emission. We considered this lavatory is suitable for Kitakyushu-shi as the environmental model city.


Date : 2010.8
Type : Lavatory
Location : Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
Floor area : 85.85㎡
Image : mtka

逗子市第一公園の再整備計画。体験学習施設の新設、老朽化したプールの再整備を中心に、公園全体の再整備が求められた。天候や季節に関わらず、幅広い世代が一年中活用できるような公園を提案した。 中高生が利用する体験学習施設は、放課後や休暇中に友人と自由に時間を過ごせるように、活動の場としての「広場」と居場所・出会いの場としての「コリドー」から構成される。テンション構造を利用した二重膜の屋根をもち、柔らかな光の落ちる大空間を実現しつつ、膜屋根内部は環境調整装置として利用されている。天候に関わらずアクティブに利用できる場所をつくった。 屋外プール施設は、「ランドスケープとしての屋外プール」をコンセプトに、公園のランドスケープと連続するようなプールサイドとし、通常、夏期にしか使われることのない屋外プールを、子供広場と一体となって通年で遊び場として利用できるようにした。

This is a park re-modeling project in Zushi. The park requires to have a new recreation center and to renovate the current pool. We proposed a plan in which a wide generation could utilize all year round regardless of the weather. The recreation center, which junior and senior high school students use, has “open spaces” as places of activities, and “corridors” as places to stay and meeting new people. They can spend time free with their friends after school and during vacation there. And it has a wide roof of double membranes using tension structure, and the inside of the roof is used as an environmental management equipment, soft natural light is coming through. Also, we proposed an open-air swimming pool side, which has a concept of “a swimming pool as a landscape”, continuous space with the park. As a result, the pool, usually used only for a summer, can be used in all year with next children’s playground.


Date : 2010.6
Type : Recreation center, Pool
Location : Zushi,Kanagawa
Floor area : 2,056㎡
Consultant : Jun Sato Structural Design Office, ESA
Image : mtka