The interior design of Tomio Koyama Gallery that is one of the most famous contemporary art gallery of Japan. The space has the warmth that fits the character of Mr. Koyama and is able to give a story to the exhibition. Concrete materials: wooden fittings, bricks floor, veneer wall, the beige-colored wall and etc are combined by minimum details. This gallery has the individuality as well as the abstractness as an exhibition space and has the atmosphere of space just like a refurbished mansion museum.
小山登美夫ギャラリー / Tomio Koyama Gallery
Date : 2016.10
Type : Art Gallery
Location : Minato-ku, Tokyo
Floor : 158.51㎡
Contractor : ISHIMARU
Photo : Takumi Ota
Press : 新建築2017年6月号, japan-architects ブログ
Award : 3M施工事例コンテスト2017 入選