It is a house built on the foot of a hill in a suburban residential area near Tokyo. On the west side, a quiet dense residential area spreads toward a hill top. On the east side, the trunk road is running along the valley, so you can see a distance. The house has two living rooms on the east and west side of the second floor. The both living rooms have consecutive windows in three directions. From the windows, you can see the sceneries, hear the variety of sounds, feel the different atmosphere, and they are mingled together. It makes the place a totally different world from outside world. In this house, the plan and the section are symmetry. The entrance, the bedroom, and the two living rooms are completely the same size. Therefore the resident can create a new way of life there. For example, the center of the life is shifted to comfortable place in the house according to seasons, such as the west living room in winter and the east living room in summer. In this simple planning, we expect that the house and the surroundings exist with balance which the resident feels comfortable.
N邸 / N house
Date : 2013.3
Type : House
Location : Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Floor : 78.30㎡
Consultant : ladderup architect
Contractor : Kumai Shouten
Photo : Shinkenchikusha
Press : 新建築住宅特集 2013年7月号, TOTO通信2014年春号, JA 94