Renewal design for the café and retail store of Nakamura Toukichi, a tea merchant in Uji, Japan. The renovation of a 120-year-old former ryokan, an important cultural landscape building with a front garden facing the approach to Byoudouin Temple, was designed by Covid19 as a self-service store where locals can relax and socialize, based on the theme of the change in users from tourists to local residents and the shift to a non-contact type of store. The old storefront facing the approach to the river was demolished, and the 3-meter difference in elevation of the front yard was converted into a slope to create a smooth flow line to the riverbed level. Benches and counters were newly installed in the garden and riverbed to allow for various ways of living. The main building is an important cultural landmark whose exterior could not be altered, so the interior was only manipulated to renew the space. The entrance floor was lowered to the level of the riverbed to create a step-free approach and a continuous flow line between the interior and exterior without any barriers. Two staircases were added, and walls were removed to create a circulation system, with appropriate structural reinforcement. The second floor, which had not been open to the public, was made open and airy by removing the ceiling, and is used not only as a seating area with an excellent view of the Uji River, but also as an event space. Through these innovations, the building has acquired the quality of a public park-like space even though it is a commercial facility.
Date : 2022.10
Type : Cafe, Salon
Location : Uji, Kyoto
Area : 1338㎡
Floor : 296㎡
Collaborator : Urban Design Center UJI, N2 LANDSCAPE, Jun Sato Structural Design Office, BRANCH LIGHTING DESIGN, Studio Onder de Linde
Contractor : breeze company, Yamada Zoen
Photo : Yasuhiro Nakayama
Press : 商店建築2023年10月号, 新建築2023年11月号